Hank Summer 2016
See the whole issueOn Speaking Up When You're Not the Boss

Chakana Mayo, a pharmacy technician and UFCW Local 770 member, is a workplace safety champion for her team.
Advice from two workers
When employees speak up, teams score high on patient safety, quality, service and workplace safety. But it can be hard to speak up when you don’t feel safe or comfortable. Gain the confidence to use your voice with these tips from two frontline workers with the Ambulatory Care Pharmacy team in West Los Angeles.
Chakana Mayo, pharmacy technician, UFCW Local 770, Workplace safety champion
Practicing speaking up when you feel safe. “When we first began peer rounding, people were comfortable speaking to one another versus speaking with management. Once people were comfortable speaking with one another, then they felt like they could be comfortable speaking with management.”
Your voice can make a difference. “It’s important to speak up early because you can prevent long-term injuries from occurring. If you’re confident enough to speak up to your manager and just let them know what’s going on, they’ll appreciate it more.”

Angela Chandler, pharmacy technician, UFCW Local 770, UBT union co-lead
Offer solutions, not just complaints. “It’s important for frontline employees to speak up and be heard not only for their own safety but for the safety of all the people they work with. The best way to do that is to engage your manager in safety. Offer feedback or advice on how to fix the problem instead of just coming at them with a bunch of problems. Give them a solution.”
Take the first step. “Frontline workers should take the initiative within their department about safety and engage with their managers because they are very much part of their team. Engage them and show them you care for the entire department and the people you work with.”