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Technicians Conquer Swirl of Scratches
This optical lab team reduced scratches to eyeglass lenses by 94% in the first 4 months of the year after performing a step-by-step review of its lens production process.
- Minimizing scratches to eyeglass lenses during the production process reduces the need to replace them. That helps save costs and improve service to members and patients.
- Reviewing each step of the lens preparation procedure to identify and fix the problem causing scratches to new eyeglass lenses.

Speaking the Same Language
Using a simple card as a reminder, this urgent care team asked for patients’ race, ethnicity, and primary language to better recognize and address members’ health needs and risks.
- Medical treatment is more effective when members receive care and information in their primary language.
- Adding a questionnaire card during the check-in process reminds team members to ask patients about their race, ethnicity, and primary language

Personalizing Care for Patients
Asking patients about their sexual orientation and gender identity is helping Addiction Medicine team members better identify and treat patients' health risks and needs.
- Collecting sensitive, personal information from patients can tell you a lot about their health risks and needs and help improve the quality of care for all Kaiser Permanente members.
- Creating a standardized process to collect information about patients’ sexual orientation, gender identity, and preferred pronouns.

Better Attendance Brings Big Rewards
Last-minute sick calls dropped by 40% after team members learned about the negative impact of such calls and explored time-off options.
- Decreasing last-minute sick calls protects staff members from stress and burnout that affect morale and performance.
- Educating the entire team on the impact of last-minute sick calls and rewarding them for perfect attendance.

Improving Access to Spinal Care
This specialty care team reduced evaluation wait times for Medicaid patients by 35% over 4 months after everyone got involved and they began scheduling phone appointments.
- Cutting evaluation wait times mean patients are connected to care sooner.
- Involving the entire team in the effort to administer patient evaluations.

Stress-free Service Soothes the Sleepless
A patient-centered approach to delivering supplies gets the job done.
- Timely delivery of equipment and supplies enhances patient satisfaction and speeds the diagnosis and treatment of common sleep disorders.
- Mailing sleep therapy supplies to patients, centralizing supply distribution and purchasing software to track deliveries

Fistulas May Save a Fist Full of Dollars
Georgia’s regional nephrology team cut the time dialysis patients spent on chest catheters by 13 percent.
- Dialysis patients with a fistula in their forearm have lower infection rates than those who use chest catheters.
- Educating patients about the benefits of a fistula versus a catheter to deliver the dialysis

Team Works Out New Gym
This UBT went from meetings with a handful of representatives to including the entire team, which helped it complete a major project.
- Getting everyone involved in team projects leads to improved results and more buy-in from UBT members.
- Including the entire department in UBT meetings, projects and decisions

Provide Care With Secondary Tubing
By using secondary tubing , which can be just as safe as primary tubing for many IV uses, this team saved a bunch of money.
- When not medically necessary, primary tubing is wasteful.
- Switching from primary tubing to secondary tubing, whenever appropriate

All Hands for
Primary care team used the entire staff for a sign-up promotion, they posted signs to encourage registration, and spoke with patients about the benefits of
- Members are better served and get better care when signed up with
- Getting all team members involved in the promotional effort

Get Out Front of Hypertension
Adult Primary Care team increased the proportion of patients with their high blood pressure under control after a concerted outreach effort.
- Controlling high-blood pressure is essential to patient health.
- Reaching out to at-risk patients for hypertension, especially diabetics

Make New Members Feel Welcome
This Adult Primary Care UBT saw service scores go up after it created a "road map" on how to utilize services.
- Reaching out and welcoming new members improves loyalty.
- Calling new members to help set up appointments