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How to Find and Use Team-Tested Practices
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How to Use the Search Function on the LMP Website
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How to Find the Tools on the LMP Website
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Team Works Out New Gym
This UBT went from meetings with a handful of representatives to including the entire team, which helped it complete a major project.
- Getting everyone involved in team projects leads to improved results and more buy-in from UBT members.
- Including the entire department in UBT meetings, projects and decisions

Oversight Reduces Scanning Errors
This team ensured accuracy in scanned documents by educating team mates and openly learning from mistakes.
- Document errors can lead to problems with quality and service.
- In-service to demonstrate proper scanning workflow

Provide Care With Secondary Tubing
By using secondary tubing , which can be just as safe as primary tubing for many IV uses, this team saved a bunch of money.
- When not medically necessary, primary tubing is wasteful.
- Switching from primary tubing to secondary tubing, whenever appropriate

Spread the Love and Loyalty
After making outreach calls to new members before their first appointments, this team saw their service scores soar.
- A welcoming environment builds loyalty in KP.
- Teaching everyone the importance of welcoming new members

Reduce Stock of On-Hands
Purging its excess supply of rarely used pharmaceuticals helped this team keep costs under control.
- Spending money on little-used items is not effective.
- Working with providers to reduce costs and quantities of meds

Stretch to Workplace Safety
Materials Management team drastically reduced workplace injuries when it involved the whole team in healthy prevention strategies, including start-of-shift stretches.
- On-the-job injuries are preventable and costly.
- Adding a stretch routine to daily morning huddles

Calls Resonate for Ultrasounds
Patients did a better job of showing up for appointments when members of this Radiology team simply called to remind them.
- No-shows adversely affect care and the entire lab.
- Dividing reminder calls among several staffers

Reduce Missing Lab Orders
A little bit of extra coordination to cut down on missing order yielded a lot of savings for this team.
- Missing lab orders cost money and are frustrating for patients and employees alike.
- Assigning a point person to coordinate orders across departments

Helping Patients Pay for the Care They Need
By finding ways to ensure forms are filled out thoroughly and correctly, this team helped members get and pay for needed care and increased their own efficiency.
- In-need patients can quality for charity care programs.
- Standardizing note-taking styles to ensure consistency

All Hands for
Primary care team used the entire staff for a sign-up promotion, they posted signs to encourage registration, and spoke with patients about the benefits of
- Members are better served and get better care when signed up with
- Getting all team members involved in the promotional effort

Kid Food: Serve It
Pediatrics team suggested kid-friendly food like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and created restaurant style menus with imagery of zoo animals.
- Kids need to eat, and wasted food is wasting money.
- Offering kid-friendly food items

Fully Stocked for Less Money
This team is saving thousands of dollars by using computer spreadsheets to track inventory and reduce waste.
- Efficient inventory process saves money and reduces frustration.
- Creating electronic record-keeping system