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How to Find and Use Team-Tested Practices
Does your team want to improve service? Or clinical quality? If you don't know where to start, check out the team-tested practices on the LMP website. This short video shows you how.
How to Use the Search Function on the LMP Website
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How to Find the Tools on the LMP Website
Need to find a checklist, template or puzzle? Don't know where to start? Check out this short video to find the tools you need on the LMP website with just a few clicks.

Dressing Room Cuts Wait Times
Wait times for patients plummeted when this radiology made a small change with a big impact.
- Long waits frustrate patients and reduce access to care.
- Converting closet into a dressing room

Get Out Front of Hypertension
Adult Primary Care team increased the proportion of patients with their high blood pressure under control after a concerted outreach effort.
- Controlling high-blood pressure is essential to patient health.
- Reaching out to at-risk patients for hypertension, especially diabetics

Choosing to Work Positively
Medical center operators find ways to manage the stress of answering tens of thousands of phone calls per month.
- Practicing mindfulness and focusing on the positive helps reduce stress at work and home.
- Create a gratitude jar and gratitude tree to build morale, relieve stress

New Printers Reduce Jams
Once they tracked and documented wasted paper, toner and IT time, members of this patient registration team made the case for new printers and saved a ton of money.
- Better printers save money and speed patients through the clinic.
- Tracking waste and printer ineffiencies

Skin-to-Skin Is Best for Babies
The proportion of newborns getting at least 60 minutes of skin-to-skin contact with their moms soared after this labor and delivery team communicated with staff about the importance of this practice.
- Skin-to-skin contact improves bonding, and helps to regulate heart rate and respiration.
- Teaching everyone the importance of skin-to-skin contact

The 4-1-1 On Your New Baby
Parent satisfaction scores went up with this NICU team used a checklist to teach new parents about their baby and created a script for nurses that didn't feel rehearsed.
- Health care providers play a key role in teaching new parents skills to take care of baby.
- Creating a checklist as a teaching tool

Make New Members Feel Welcome
This Adult Primary Care UBT saw service scores go up after it created a "road map" on how to utilize services.
- Reaching out and welcoming new members improves loyalty.
- Calling new members to help set up appointments

Bring Mail Together and Save
These team saved thousands of dollars when it took gradual steps to centralize mail processing for whole region. negotiated lower rates for vendor services.
- Saving money helps us keep KP affordable for members and patients.
- Facilities sorted and metered mail at fewer locations, enabling the team to negotiate lower rates for vendor services

Getting Better at Collecting Third-Party Billings
Collecting money owed from third parties skyrocketed when this finance team trained up staff and used the electronic tools at their fingertips.
- To keep KP affordable for all patients and members, we need to collect the money owed to us.
- Teaching how to code for workplace injuries and accidents

Creative Thinking Speeds Up Lab
After it rejiggered its workflows, this lab team cut wait times dramatically.
- Patients waiting an hour at the lab is unacceptable.
- Shifting schedules to accommodate more patients

One on One Improves Scores
Service scores soared after this lab team began a "one-on-one" style of service with technicians handling patients from check-in to blood draw.
- Giving patients more personal care improves service.
- Having lab technicians stay with patient from check in to blood draw

New Needles Bruise Less, Please Patients
Complaints about bruising dropped after this lab team took action to identify the root of the problem and get better supplies.
- A gentle touch shows patients we care and reduces their anxiety.
- Switching to a different needle provider